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Commissioned by Owen Tyme (2024) for book three of Ashen Blades, Demon For President.

Art by Ryan Johnson (2024 – Digital – Charcoal/Pencil)

This should be a simple one, though it may be a little emotionally volatile for people.

Foreground: Otto Vogerath, the demon, in human form, wearing his gray suit and blood-red power tie. He’d probably look best standing to one side or the other of the frame. See if you can copy the self satisfied smile from v1 of his picture. He wears brass-framed Windsor glasses (round lenses). v1 of his AI picture is more or less the perfect image of him. I generated v2, because it was in the wrong dimensions. Then there’s the snake version of him.

Upper Background: The American flag, splashed with blood, waving in the upper half of the frame, possibly with some diagonal tilt to give the picture that flow from upper right to lower left.

Lower Background: A modern city, in flames. Make it look like a war-zone if possible (legions of demons marching through the streets, flying through the air, etc). Please DO NOT use any particular real city as a reference. I don’t want to offend the people of any particular place. Just something suitably generic, with skyscrapers.

Alternative Foreground: Vogerath standing in profile, facing himself, the one on the left with a blood-red tie (Republican), the one on the right with a blue tie (Democrat), both smiling, since he ends up running for President against himself. You could use the expression of v1 for the Republican and expression of v2 for the Democrat, because the two do behave somewhat differently, despite the fact they’re actually the same guy. Like all demons, Vogerath is an excellent actor. I imagine this variation focused in tight on just his faces, showing just enough of their necks to display the color of their ties, at the bottom.

I got the left/right backwards on that one, as I recall. Just look up left vs. right for political parties and put the democrat and republican on whichever side fits.

Commission Description Provided by Owen Tyme

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