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Cover art for Dark moon, Book four of the Wizard’s Scion series. Commissioned by Owen Tyme (2024).

Art by Ryan Johnson (2024 – Digital – Charcoal/Pencil)

The cover I have in mind for *Dark Moon* is fairly simple. I’d like the two primary characters (Levi and his rival, Cha’da) back to back, with the (normally invisible) full moon of their world rising in the background, behind their heads. It would be just after sunset, but everything should be well-lit from the moon and stars (which are quite bright from their world, since they’re relatively near the galactic core).

In the particular scene I had in mind, Levi and Cha’da were originally in the middle of a magical duel that was meant to be to the death, which got interrupted by giant metal pill bugs that came down from the moon to suck the souls of every living thing. At the point at which the events of the cover take place, they’ve formed a temporary alliance for the sake of survival and are fighting back to back. Levi even handed Cha’da one of his father’s old blaster revolvers, because she’d exhausted herself fighting him.

As I recall, Inorath wasn’t present at the time, because its local avatar had been killed by Cha’da in retaliation for the way it tried to sneak-attack her.

-Commission Description Provided by Owen Tyme

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